Children Family

My Baby is Turning FOUR Tomorrow…

I have gone back and forth on whether or not to use my business blog as my personal blog too.  Elias has actually had a blog since he was born.  I have not updated it since June 18th because photography has been keeping me busy.  I have hundreds of pictures I have done nothing with…a winter project for sure!  Anyway, I figured, what the heck, maybe I will share on here once and a while too:)

I have to say, I am having a hard time with this birthday!  I turned 30 a couple months ago and didn’t feel bad about that at all, but my baby turning four,  that is another story!

This year he wanted to have a Batman/Superhero party, so that is what we did!

Here is a picture of the invite:

Anna, Daniel, and Megan came dressed in costume to celebrate!  Elias was more than thrilled that Megan was going to be his “kick side”!

Elias has been wanting to get a pinata for awhile and was so excited to see it hanging in the garage for his party!

The boys all had a great time and they loved wearing their “super capes”!

Now for a flashback:)  Here is Elias the day he was born:

And here is he now:

Elias, four years ago today, I was in labor and about experience the greatest JOY of my life…being your mom!  I LOVE you to the moon and back sweet  baby boy, I mean BIG boy!

13 replies on “My Baby is Turning FOUR Tomorrow…”

Oh Erin! Those pictures are so sweet! He is sucha handsome big boy! These pictures will be like treasure as he gets older and older!!!

What a LOVELY post!! I can truely empathize with you on the whole turning 4! *tear*
I will always remember seeing you and Alex, standing at the door of the hosptal room, about 8am on this day, four years ago. Somehow (in their own way) they really are “BIG” boys now:O) *sigh* Great pictures as always, Happy Birthday to Elias and a Happy ‘giving birth’ day to you as well:~)!!

Happy Birthday Elias!! I remember the day you were born, we all were so excited you had arrived!! Wishing you a happy 4th birthday! Sending our love to the birthday boy!!!

Happy Birthday Elias!! Looks like a great time and like always great portraits!! I love the themed parties 😉

Happy Birthday Elias!! I am sure he enjoyed his party! I remember when he was born also! What a great day for your whole family. Wonderful pictures Erin, as always!

Tears in my eyes… amazing pictures of a perfect little boy. You are the best mom, he’s so lucky!

Happy Birthday, Elias! You are loved. Great Uncle Gary, Laurie, Natalie and all…..Come see us again, soon.

Thanks for sharing Erin! We miss Elias and hope that he has a wonderful birthday tomorrow. What a blessing he is to so many! Love you Elias…

Miss your “Elias” blog updates. Was fun to have the flashback pictures too. We sure have had fun getting to know Elias. What a delightful little boy! and a wonderful friend too!

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